sreenu Gadi


	Over 8 years of experience in SAP as a Functional HR, Technical HR ABAP and ABAP Consultant.
â?¢	Worked extensively in HCM, SAP HR, SD, MM, FI/CO, PP and QM Modules.
â?¢	Extensive experience in implementation and configuration of various modules including Payroll, Time Management, Personnel Administration, Organization Management, Benefits, LSO, ESS, MSS.
â?¢	Payroll:  Wage Types, Processing Time Data, Payments and Deductions, Schemas, Functions, Internal Tables, Factoring, Benefit/Payroll Integration, Garnishments, Off-Cycle Processing, Deductions and Taxes.
â?¢	Time Management: Work Schedules, Substitutions, Absences, Counting Rules, Attendance and Absence Quotas, Quota Generation Rules, Processing Types, Wage Type Generation Rules, Time Evaluation, Schemas, PCR, CATS. 
â?¢	Personal Administration: Enterprise Structure, Organizational Assignments (Organizational Data and Integration of PA/PD, Job, Position, Organizational unit), and Payroll Data (Pay Scale and Wage Type Structures), Customizing Procedures (Info Menus, Info groups, Actions), Dynamic Actions.
â?¢	Organizational Management: Organizational Plan (Organizational Structures, Reporting Structures, Relationships). 
â?¢	Benefits: Benefit Areas, Enrollments, Health Plans, Insurance Plans, Credit Plans, and Reports.
â?¢	ESS and MSS modules with EP were implemented to provide on line services to the employees and to incorporate consistent practices across the globe.
â?¢	LSO:  I have downloaded the LSO security roles.
â?¢	E-recruiting: Integration with other modules.
â?¢	Hands on experience in designing Schemas and Personnel calculation rules. 
â?¢	Extensive experience in Reports (ALV Reporting, Interactive Reporting Classical Reporting), BDC (Call Transaction and Session methods), LSMW, Script (script, new layout development and Customized Script program), Smartforms (standard smartforms, customized smart forms), HR Forms, Adobe Interactive forms and workflow.
â?¢	Worked on Processing IDOCâ?™s, Setting Partner Profiles, and setting up ALE / EDI interfaces and Creating RFC interfaces and Reduced IDOCâ?™S as well as IDOC enhancements.
â?¢	Worked on BDC and IDOCS (INBOUND and OUTBOUND) Process
â?¢	Worked on Standard BAPI â?˜S and Custom BAPIâ?™S. 
â?¢	Worked on the Web dynpro for ABAP & BSPâ?™s
â?¢	Worked on Standard User Exits, BADIâ?™s and Enhancement Spots to enhance the functionality of Standard Business applications. 
â?¢	Extensively worked in Creation of Z Tables and creation of Customized Infotypes.
â?¢	Involved in developing interfaces and Reports in HR using Infotypes, Logical databases and Clusters.
â?¢	Hands on Experience in Back ground Processing and Transport Management System.
â?¢	Extensively worked in debugging of sap programs and performanceâ?™s.
â?¢	Participated in unit testing, functional testing, system integration testing and user acceptance testing.
â?¢	Extensive experience in SAP R/3 version upgrade from 4.6B to 4.7EE and process of HR in R/3 environment along with the Unicode conversion process.
â?¢	Knowledge on Net weaver, XI component
â?¢	SAP R/3		:	SAP 4.6C, 4.7, ECC 5.0, ECC 6.0.
â?¢	Languages		:	ABAP/4, SQL, C, C++, HTML, JAVA.
â?¢	Operating System	:	Windows NT/98/2000, Windows XP, UNIX and DOS. 
â?¢	Database		:	Oracle and MS Access.

Member number:10170
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Copyright(c) 1995 - 2006 sreenu Gadi and Software Contractors' Guild, 3 Country Club Dr., #303, Manchester, NH USA 03102