Dileep Kumar

Email: Dileep.Java005@gmail.com

Phone: (314) 399-8845

Sr. Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer


Over 4+ years of experience and backed with rich domain knowledge, understanding and practical knowledge of several IT technologies, I seek a career with challenging assignments to amalgamate personal enrichment with professional goals.




Java 1.8, J2EE, Scala 2.12.1, Python 3.6.0

Web Technologies

SERVLETS 3.1, JSP 3.0, JavaBeans 3.0, Java Servlet API 3.0


Spring 4.3, Hibernate 4.3, Angular JS 1.0/1.5/2.0/4.0, Spring Security 3.2

Application/Web servers

Apache Tomcat 8, IBM WebSphere 8.0, Jetty, Jenkins 2.50, WebSphere MQ 7.5

Relational Databases

Oracle 10g/11g/12C, SQL server 2012/2014/2016, MySQL 5.7, DB2 11.1

NoSQL Databases

MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB

Internet Technologies

HTML 5, JavaScript 1.8, XML 2.0, CSS 3 and CSS 4, jQuery 2.11, Angular JS 2.0, BackBone.JS 1.3.1, Node JS 6.0.

Cloud Environments

Azure, AWS, Netflix Eureka, Mesos, Kubernetes.


Eclipse, NetBeans 8.0.2, IntelliJ 2017.1, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3

Operating system

Windows 10, Linux Mint 18.1, Unix

Bug tracking Tools

JUNIT4.12, JIRA 7.0, Bugzilla 4.4.12, Curl 7.36

Reporting Tools

Jasper Reports 6.0, Crystal Reports XI, SSRS 5.0


Agile, waterfall, TDD (Test-Driven-Development), Scrum

Developer IDE Platforms

Eclipse, Edit plus, Notepad ++, TEXT PAD, JBuilder, Net Beans 8.0.2, IntelliJ 2017.1, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3, GITHUB 2.12.0

Build Tools

Ant 1.10, Maven 3.3.9, Gradle 3.4.1

Web Services




Nationwide, Columbus, OH


Sr. Java Full Stack Developer


Aug 2016 – Present

Description: Pricing application provides a user interface to view, analyze and resolve the exceptions which are created based on various transactions like campaign, pricing, expense etc. It addresses the changes in the market, business strategies, US clients from the campaigns and accounting perspective. It calculates the financial performance and to assess the desirability of owning accounts. The rate of return involves populating data on real time basis, comparing market values, evaluating variances between them. This audit tool includes search functions as well as several data result pages with each providing an assorted level of detail.


Environment: Java 8.0, Spring 4, Hibernate 4.2, Spring Boot, JPA, JavaScript, AngularJS 2.0, HTML 5.0, CSS3, Apache Tomcat, STS, Oracle 11g, Log4J, JUnit, Easy Mock, Selenium, XML, Web Services, React.Js, Node.Js, SOAP UI, Kafka, Netflix Eureka, Netflix Ribbon, GWT, Adobe Flex, Scala, AWS, Maven, Git, PL/SQL, Docker, HATEOAS, Curl.


Abercrombie, Columbus, OH


Sr. Full Stack Java Developer


Sep 2015 – Jul 2016

Description: Clients have access to Abercrombie through various web application, mobile platforms, including both smart phones and tablets. We are now managing client interactions via four platforms: Abercrombie.mobi, iPhone app, iPad app, and Android app. Retail mobile usage at Abercrombie has grown 3x in the past year, with mobile visits now comprising ~13.7% of total online visits. Mobile provides another opportunity to extend and enhance Abercrombie’s direct investing model providing clients account access anytime, anywhere. Apple has pushed the HTML5 standard for its mobile devices for Lack of support for Adobe Flash on the Apple iOS platform. Flash was designed for PCs using mice, not for touch screens using fingers. This mobi-project needs to convert all Flash files to Html5 standards. ​


Environment: XML, XSL, Node.Js, ReactJS, Bootstrap, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, Ajax, Spring 4.x, Hibernate 4.x, Git, Aws, WebSphere 7.5, Web Services, JMS, SoapUI, TestNG, JSON, Ant, Log4j, Oracle DB, Spring Cloud Netflix, Config Server, Eureka Server, Hystirx, Discovery Client, Ribbon, Zuul Proxy, Agile.


Tech Mahindra/AT&T Telecommunications, Hyderabad, INDIA.


Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


Jan 2014 – Aug 2015

Description: This Project is an initiative tasked with reducing complexity, terminating inefficiencies, generating operational efficiencies with enhanced automation and improving speed to market. It also includes developing various web content portals for different departments within the company. These web portals provide employees easier access to the customer’s data and other company related information and services.


Environment: HTML, JSF, jQuery, JavaScript, Apache CFX, JBoss, Spring 3.x, Hibernate 3, Spring MVC, SVN, SOA, RESTful, JAX-RS, Jersey, SoapUI, JAX-WS, Apache Axis 2, JUnit, Web services, JiBX, Postman, Agile.


Navayuga Infotech Private Limited, Hyderabad, INDIA


Java Developer


July 2013 – Dec 2013

Description: Help2 Clinical Desktop (CD) is a web application based on J2EE architecture.  It provides web-based access to inpatient and outpatient data from the IHC Clinical Data Repository (CDR). Users can review as well as update or enter new data through CD. Many clinicians use CD daily for accessing patient data, which aids in making important clinical decisions. CD is mainly composed of a “shell” or “core”, and various modules running inside of the “shell”. Intended audiences for this document are mainly programmers.


Environment: Core Java/J2EE, Servlets, JSTL, CSS, AngularJS, JSON, Apache Camel, JMS, XML, XSLT, JDBC, Ajax, Spring AOP Module, Ant Scripts, WSAD, IBM MQ, HTML, JavaScript, Eclipse, UML, Rational Rose, WebSphere Application Server 7.0, CVS, JUnit, Ant, Visio, Selenium Web Driver, Oracle 10g.