Contact: Paul R. Holley,
(see under Holley, Paul)
(571)223 2447
Objective: .NET Enterprise Solution Developer
Current Clearance: Position of Public Trust
Certifications, Memberships: MCSD .NET (C#), MCAD .NET (C#)
Transcript ID: 686577
Access Code: PaulHolley
70-316 MCP C# .NET Windows
70-315 MCP C# Web ASP.NET
70-320 MCP C# XML Web Services, Server Components
70-300 MCP .NET Solution Architectures
70-229 MCP SQL 2000 Development
Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
SQL Server, SharePoint, Oracle Database
Windows 2007, Server 2008. Various Unix
Also, VS 6.0 (VC++, VB, JScript, FoxPro, V Interdev)
XP/W2000/NT Drivers, COM/ COM+
RECENT EXPERIENCE (Industrial, Consulting)
USAMMA. Ft Detrick, Frederick, MD
Consultant, 6/2006 to 9/2006, and 4/2007 to present:
· C# .NET Windows App (SAP, Oracle back end). Medical logistics.
Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, WA
NOAA, Washington, DC
via various "passthru"'s- GovBuys, DC; Miratek Corp, El Paso, TX; Abacus, Washington, DC
Consultant, 2/2004 to 4/2006:
· C# ASP.NET, ADO.NET (Oracle, SQL) Medical Survey Tools development, for Web site and medical kiosk deployment.
· SQL Reporting Services development
· .NET Web services development, for legacy medical database systems interactions
· Windows Form serial device interface for Total Station and Range Finder survey equipment
· Tablet PC versions of Windows Form and ASP.NET implementations
· Biztalk (HIPPA X12 and HL7 adapters) for Medical EDI exchange
· HL7 member
· CDA (Clinical Data Architecture) familiarity, from AHLTA and Informatics projects
3ETI, Aeptec, Washington DC
Consultant, 02/2003 to 09/2003:
* C# Web development; ASP.NET, ADO.NET (Oracle 9i and SQL Server), Infragistics Toolset.
* Dual portal (intranet) and secure Web site for government logistics use.
Harvard University Extension, MA
(Part time) C# .NET 8/2002 to present
* Instructor (and course preparation) for Harvard CSCI-E143 (C# and .NET Framework).
* ASP.NET Web site including site host selection and management, redirector, discussion group, course materials management.
* C# code samples for all aspects of the C# language, including ASP.NET, ADO.NET, .NET Windows Apps, and XML Web Services.
* Thesis supervision and mentoring for IT Master’s candidates at Harvard.
Summary Highlights of Following Complete Chronological Detail below
* Various teaching and Web site development activities in C# using Visual Studio .NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Web Services. Work included XML/XSLT, document database architecture and .NET Server products analysis and selection. Work frequently included matching .NET Servers and technology to requirements, and aiding analysts with functional specifications.
* At various clients, database data analysis and schemas including data relations
* At various clients (and teaching C#), have assisted analysts, developers, and students with best practices and standards.
* C# Windows Application programs.
* Web site implementation, Web Hosting selection. Mostly C#, some VB.NET.
* Background in driver development in VC++, C++; kernel interfaces to applications.
Harvard University Extension, MA
(Part time) C# .NET, COM/COM+/.NET, MFC, 9/1997 to present
* TA for various courses at Harvard University, including E238, CSCI-E238, E216 and E218. The courses have covered MFC, COM, ActiveX, COM+, .NET Security, and ADO.NET.
Tektronics, MA
Consultant, 6/2000 to 2/2002
* VS 6 VC++ COM and DCOM “User Mode” GUI and service code development support.
* Windows XP, 2000 (and NT) Drivers for SONET/SDH communications test hardware for rates up to STS-192 (10G). Help with systems engineering for various IP payload forms, including POS and 10 GigaBitEthernet payloads. VC++, DDK, WinDK, WinDBG, SoftIce. Also, MFC and VB board test access apps, COM test interfaces for user mode driver access.
* Software for SONET/SDH XilinX Verilog VHDL ASIC interface, test, and use.
PictureTel, MA
Consultant, 3/2000 to 5/2000
* HTML, Jscript, VB, and VC samples for OEM videoconferencing integration using PictureTel Programmer’s Development Kit.
Consultant, 6/99 to 2/2000
* Operations System (CRM Customer, Sales, Products) database management and User Interface. ActiveX DLLs, VB, VFoxPro, Crystal reports, Oracle, RDO, ADO.
* Project included CRM data analysis, schema and data constraint relationships.
MapleTree Networks, MA
Consultant, 1/99 to 6/99
* NT RAS Access (Edge) Server Drivers, NDIS and serial port. VC++, NuMega SoftIce, TCP/IP, RAS, RRAS, TAPI, UniModem. OEM Driver Kit.
Objective Communications, NH
Consultant, 10/98 to 12/98
* 95/NT Drivers and COM software. NDIS driver support/ development, and help with the COM interface for it. VC++, NuMega SoftIce, ATL, TCP/IP, NetMeeting.
Cambridge Pragmatics, MA
6/98 to 9/98
* Internet site content HTML and ASP production software. VC++, Visual Basic, Visual Interdev, FrontPage, NT.
General Scanning, Arlington, MA
Consultant, 6/97 to 6/98
* NT Driver and COM software. NT parallel port “block mode” driver support/ development, and the COM interface for it. VC++ COM via ATL, VB (test and QA vehicle), VC++, WinBug.
Consultant, 10/96 to 12/97
* Internet site content production software including data translation of US Mark, NLM, etc format for site content, as well as proprietary search (index) methodologies. Planned and lead an internet site content/ production conversion from 16-bit Windows to 32-bit NT/ Unix Oracle. Oracle database, VC++, Visual FoxPro, NT.
GeoPhone, Annapolis, MD
Consultant, 12/95 to 10/96
* Systems engineering and software development for a VSAT IDU. Communications Access Program for hardware development, field service, and manufacturing was designed and prototyped. Windows 95/NT, VC++ MFC.
Picturetel, Andover, MA
Consultant, 11/94 to 12/95
* Windows 95 GUI diagnostic app for videoconferencing and communications board user test and manufacturing. Win3.1 to Windows NT, Win3.1 to Win95 ports of a videoconferencing setup and diagnostic app. SDK32, VC++ GUI a la Petzold.
* Firmware for various specialized videoconferencing communications ASIC devices and systems, including the IIT VCP. VC, Borlund C, Windows 3.1 and 95. Videoconferencing ASIC test.
Vivo, Waltham, MA
Consultant, 12/93 to 11/94
* Various H.320, H.DLL, T.12x development to standards. VC++, Windows 3.1.
DEC, Westboro, MA
Consultant, 3/93 to 12/93
* Various "socket" APIs (WinSock, TLI, Berkeley, XTI), TCP/IP interfaces for Video on Demand call control. VC++ NT, OSF (now Compaq True64) Unix.
Motorola/ Codex, Norwood, MA
Consultant, 11/92 to 2/93
* SONET ATM convergence layer work; and development of "ATM Hub" firmware. C, Unix.
Picturetel, Andover, MA
Consultant, 12/90 to 8/92
* Videoconferencing Px64 ISDN/BRI call control firmware. M8000 video bridge development and test. Microsoft C, Windows; embedded VRTX.
Bell Labs (current Lucent), (River Road, MA; Andover, MA; Holmdel, NJ)
Consultant, 4/85 to 12/90
* Secure telephone STU-III development, test. Hayes AT interface and serial drivers. Microsoft C, DOS. C, Unix.
* SONET, ATM, and M13 (T1 and T3 wideband, broadband) transmission terminal development. Systems Engineering, C firmware, and feature test for a DACS (SONET ready Digital Access and Cross- Connect). Design, software- firmware development, and test for a DDM (Dual DS3 Multiplexer) M13 Mux. C, C++, Unix, pSOS embedded development.
Motorola/ Codex (Mansfield, MA; Norwood, MA)
Consultant, 3/84 to 1/85
* Diagnostics, test stations for telephony ASICS, modem firmware. C, Unix.
Data General Systems Div (Cambridge, MA)
Consultant, Software Development, 6/83 to 3/84
* Communications software development for EF Hutton broker workstation. C, AOS.
Motorola/ Codex, Inforex, Strategic Information
Consultant, Software Development (simultaneous with teaching duties), 6/75 to 6/83
* Software development for statistical mux, keytape and COBOL workstations, and econometric modeling. Assembler, COBOL, Pascal; RSTS, VMS.
Intermetrics (Cambridge, MA)
Software Engineer, 6/74 to 6/75
* Compiler/ language software development; computer language studies.
Searle-Medidata (Waltham & Bedford, MA)
Software Engineer, 6/70 to 6/74
* PDP-8 and PDP-11 assembler, software for medical data acquisition equipment; software for data analysis.
Boston City Hospital (Boston, MA)
Principal Programmer, 9/68 to 6/70
* Medical research (statistical) programmer, MIS applications developer. FORTRAN, COBOL, Assembler.
Harvard University Extension, MA
(Part time) TA COM/COM+/.NET, MFC, 9/1997 to present
* ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and .NET Services lectures preparation and delivery. TA for various courses at Harvard University, CSCI-E216 and E218. Over time, the courses have covered COM, ActiveX, COM+, .NET (and previously MFC). The head instructors were David Platt (look him up on and Joe Ficara.
Holley Assoc, MA
Teaching Consultant, 6/92 to 11/92
* Instructor for DCE, C++, C, OSF Unix classes for OSF and DEC; produced and presented Client/Server course for DEC.
Northeastern University (Boston, MA)
(Full time faculty) Prof. Mathematics, Prof. Computer Science, 6/79 to 6/83
* Delivered courses in Computer Languages, Compilers, Operating Systems, Discrete Math, Systems Programming, Computer Networks.
Wentworth Institute (Boston, MA)
(Full time faculty) Prof. Computer Science, 6/75 to 6/78
* Delivered courses in Computer Languages, Systems Programming.