Walter Osikowicz
Walter J. Osikowicz ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
75A Lake Road, # 182, Congers, NY 10920
Home (218) 750-3555
To obtain a challenging and rewarding position as a computer analyst.
IBM: 3090, 3084, 4381, 370; DEC, Honeywell, H/P, Amdahl, UNISYS, Data General. Burroughs, Micros and PC's.
S/390, Z/OS, Sysplex, MVS/XA, DOS/VSE, Mainframe, JES2, JES3, VTAM, UNIX Open Systems, Windows NT, Internet, MQ Series, Search Engines and Web Based Applications.
COBOL II, ASM, RPG, SAS, PL/1, Fortran, CICS, DB2, SPUFI, QMF, SQL, JCL, REXX, PROCS, TSO/ISPF, VSAM, ISAM, IMS, Xpediter, Eztrieve, SMPE, IBM Utilities, Word, Focus, GEAC, SMF, SyncSort, OPC, CA1, CA7, CA11, NDM, SAR, FTP, Changeman, FDR, Dasd Support, IDCAMS, HSM, DFSMS, DFDSS, SMS, Conversions, Sysgens, RACF, SDSF, Remedy, Service Center, Documentum, AbendAid, FileAid, Excel, Java, HTML, Top Secret. Panvalet, Librarian, Endevor, Netview, ACF/NCP
Jun 2006 � Present NYU Langone Medical Center New York, NY
Senior Contractor§ Responsible for the conversion of the hospital�s mainframe from IBM to an external vendor Eclipsys. Moved 2,000 programs and the JCL and catalogued procedures. Tested the new environment. Moved 12 CICS Regions and the associated data. Wrote 20 COBOL and 6 BAL programs to support the effort. Developed a system to download reports to Sun Microbank facility. This system consisted of 3 COBOL programs and 4 BAL programs. Provided 24/7 support for the Financial Application Systems. Responsible for correcting over 1,000 Batch Jobs off shift. Provided Technical Support to Production Control and Operations departments. Developed and maintained 180 programs to support the Hospital�s Financial Systems. These programs produced excel files that allowed Accounts Payable and General Ledger areas to reconcile differences. Trained Financial Areas in the use of JCL and Utilities. Participated in the planning from GEAC to PeopleSoft. Participated in the Disaster Recovery effort which spanned two years and allowed the systems to be run on backup computers in other states. Developed automated procedures/programs for converting JCL and Programs from one Data Center to another.
Sep 2005 � May 2006 Progressive Insurance Colorado Springs,CO
Senior Contractor§ Responsible for supporting the Applications Programming Testing environment Claims Group. Designed, coded and implemented 45 programs to support their IDMS to DB2 conversion process. Compared various Tablespaces to insure integrity. Compared Loadlibs to their DBRMlibs to ensure correct timestamps existed. Automated moving of Policies and Claim from their Production Region to the Development and Quality Assurance Regions. other program products from IBM and Compuware. Programmed using DB2, COBOL, IDMS and CICS. Provided technical support to application programmers in the use of SPUFI, queries, JCL and Utilities. Helped promote thousands of load modules from within seven different regions. Wrote various ad hoc report programs to point out variances in the application testing environments. Produced Visio and Microsoft Word and Excel documentation for various projects. Automated Space Monitoring System for all IDMS Development and QA environments. Mentored other programmers in the use of program products such as Xpediter, DB2 Platinum and NDM.
University of Michigan MCIT Ann Arbor, MI
Senior Analyst, Jun 2002 - Present
Responsible for Patient Management and Patient Accounting Applications utilizing IBM M/F CICS, COBOL II and Utility programs. Modified multiple online CICS programs and batch programs supporting Health Systems packages. Evaluated Mapper and Parser products to support the HIPAA and EDI requirements for Medicare and Medicaid Processing. Installed PGP encryption programs to FTP data to Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Modified JCL, cataloged procedures, and CA-7 JCL to support the production environment. Provided 24 hour, 7 day a week support on a rotating basis. Developed listener and socket programs to communicate with the MQ Series for HIPAA 270/271 transactions.
John Deere & Company, Moline, IL
Senior Contractor, Apr-2000 - May-2002
Responsible for installing and maintaining Program Products such as SAS, Xpediter, AbendAid, FileAid, COBOL II, PanValet, and Hiperstation. Programmed Utility programs utilizing COBOL II, BAL, DB2 and IMS to support this effort. Provided training in JCL, Utilities and Program Product Usage to programming staff. Designed, coded and implemented an obsolescence system to determine when software products could be removed from the OS/390 system. Provided 24/7 technical support for forty products.
NYU Medical Center, New York, NY
Senior Consultant, 1998 - 2000
Converted General Ledger system from CUFS to GEAC. Designed, coded and implemented a G/L Reporting System using COBOL II and CICS. Coded all JCL and cataloged procedures for production enhancements. Converted 40 Focus programs to COBOL II. Enhanced all programs to make them Y2K compliant using CA-Endevor. Strong Client Interface.
Citibank, Las Vegas, NV
Technical Support Analyst, 1996 - 1998
Provided Technical Support for 10 IBM S/390 Data Centers worldwide. Responsible for correcting all production programming abends for Bankcard Division. Designed, coded and implemented adhoc programs in BAL and COBOL II to support the Data Center Operations. Analyzed SMF data to make needed hardware and software changes. Coded JCL and cataloged procedures for all new production applications.
Simon & Schuster, Old Tappan, NJ
Senior Consultant, 1994 - 1996
Designed, developed, coded and implemented a Financial Aging System for Inventory using COBOL II and CICS. Provide extensive User support for the controllers area. Coded JCL and Utilities for application systems. Implemented a DB2 database for inventory control. Eliminated 66% of paper usage by converting reports from 133 characters per line to 188 and placing the output on CD-ROM.
Tekmate, Inc., Paramus, NJ
Technical Support Manager, 1992 - 1994
Responsible for all technical proposals and RFP's. Conducted technical searches and interviews for all personnel hired. Designed and implemented a financial billing system using COBOL II. Provided technical support to Fortune 500 clients. Performed Project Leader function at multiple clients. Team Leader for International Telephony Project. Provided monthly reports for clients.
GTE Data Systems, Tampa, FL
Contractor, 1991 - 1992
Provided 24/7 support for GTE Telephony Billing Operation utilizing DB2 and COBOL II. Made modifications to over 70 programs to allow immediate billing changes for local and long distance Users. Developed Sorts and Utilities to expedite daily processing. Designed and developed Fraud Determination programs to pinpoint high activity from specific locations. Provided training in JCL and Utilities to the programming staff.
AT&T, Altamonte Springs, FL
Consultant, 1990 - 1991
Responsible for upgrading AT&T billing system from Release 6.0 to 7.0. Coding was done utilizing COBOL II and CICS. Modified 85 programs for large business customers that required billing output on Mag Tape. Developed new cataloged procedures and tested the release changes.
Prentice Hall, Old Tappan, NJ
Senior Consultant, 1986 - 1989
Responsible for assisting in the merger between Simon & Schuster and Prentice Hall. Converted three subsidiaries from DOS/VSE to MVS/XA. Provided necessary training to Operations and Programming personnel. Converted over 400 programs from DOS to MVS including 40 BAL modules. Eliminated one data center in Columbus, Ohio.
Applied Concepts. Inc, New York, NY
Technical Services Director, 1984 - 1986
Provided technical support to a mid-sized consulting organization. Provided monthly training to all consultants and provided pre and post sales support to our sales organization. Acted as team leader in moving Royal Insurance from New York City to Charlotte, NC. Provided programming support to all clients. Converted 150 User catalogs to conform to the new IBM catalog structure. Performed IOGEN to allow support for new 3480 Cartridges. Set up Disaster Recovery Plans for various companies including ITT in Secaucus, NJ. Provided Election Program Support for CBS for their Election Analysis.
K-mart, Inc, North Bergen, NJ
Project Leader, 1982 - 1984
Responsible for converting their Merchandising system from DOS/VSE to MVS. Converted 65 online CICS programs and 375 COBOL Batch programs using UCC/DUO. Made major modifications which reduce the runtime on the merchandising system from 68 hours to 15 hours by increasing blocking factors and building in automatic restart recovery procedures. Revamped all of the JCL and cataloged procedures to eliminate the need for any changed when a Job failed during the production cycle. This change was instrumental in the reduction of 10 operation analysts for weekend coverage.
Mental Retardation Institute, Valhalla, NY
Consultant, 1981 - 1982
Developed an Out-Patient Billing System under DOS/VSE using COBOL and CICS. This system was instrumental in collecting $500,000 in overdue Medicaid payments which went uncollected in the manual billing effort. Made enhancements to the billing system which allowed for multiple facility patient billing. Trained staff in collection procedures for Medicare.
Datacom, Inc., Washington, DC
Consultant, 1980 - 1981
Designed, coded and implemented an Ambulance Medical Billing System, for the Washington, DC government. The system provided an automated method for the ten city owned hospitals to collect for ambulance transport. Designed, coded and implemented a monthly billing system for the city's Water Department. These systems were COBOL based and information were downloaded to individual departments utilizing file transfers.
Roosevelt Hospital, New York
Consultant, 1979 - 1980
Designed and rewrote the St. Luke's Hospital Billing System when St. Luke's and Roosevelt Hospital merged. The system consisted of 91 programs utilizing VSAM, CICS and COBOL. Modified the existing Out-patient billing system to conform to the new UBF-1 billing form. Consulted with the GNYHA to develop citywide data processing billing standards for Medicaid and Medicare Claims processing.
Manufacturers Hanover Trust, New York, NY
Consultant, 1977 - 1979
Installed an IBM Mass Storage System (MSS) in the Corporate Data Center. Converted over 700 programs to utilize the MSS in place of real DASD. All applications, JCL, documentation and cataloged procedures were modified to reflect the new technology. Converted the Check Processing Data Center from Burroughs to MVS/XA which included Sysgens, installing program products and training of programming personnel.
American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Hackensack, NJ
Contractor, 1975 - 1977
Converted the Radio Network System from DOS to MVS. Tuned all programs which resulted in a 60% decrease in runtime and a savings of over one million dollars per year in overtime costs within the operations area. Installed an IBM Mass Storage System (MSS) in their Data Center. Developed standards for Operations and Applications Programming. Provided training in JCL, Utilities and VSAM Usage to appropriate groups.
Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY
Associate, Computer Science, Minor: Business Administration, 1968
Member number:5453
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