Copyright 2000 Celtic Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. This document may not be modified, duplicated, or distributed to any third party without the express, written permission of Celtic Wolf, Inc.
Objective: To provide quality consulting services on a business-to-business basis via Celtic Wolf, Inc. in the areas of software design and development, project management, technical writing, research, and data conversion, extraction and manipulation.
Emma, a Win32 client for MCI Mail. Emma is a fully functional email client with an MDI interface, a multithreaded architecture, background communications, a spell checker, signatures, an address book, nested folders and support for up to 10 mail accounts. Completed substantial design and development work on Emma, using Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0, MFC 4.0, and Borland C++ 4.5. Also wrote the Windows Help File for the project. This file consists of approximately 300 pages of documentation regarding every aspect of the program and serves as the program's user manual. It was produced using RoboHelp 6.0 and Microsoft Word 97.
Performed a survey of web site globalization and localization services and solutions. This involved identifying companies that offer such services and solutions, obtaining sales, marketing and technical data on the products and services, and speaking with representatives to obtain additional details. Composed a detailed report, analyzing the available services and solutions and their relevance to the client's needs.
Created a review of content management solutions designed specifically for web sites, with a focus on globalization and localization capabilities. The review included offerings from Allaire, Broadvision, Continuus, Eprise and Vignette. Provided detailed report to client that covered product functionality, a summary of the underlying technologies, market share, major installations, pricing, partnerships and alliances.
Created a lightweight, dialog-based user interface for a pending product from Pete Maclean. It was developed with Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 and the Win32 API. Its slim memory footprint results from the avoidance of bulky frameworks like MFC.
Developed custom Microsoft Outlook forms for Outsmart Messenger using VBScript. This task included implementing the display of custom fields, utilizing the MS FlexGrid control, and parsing text to be displayed in the control using VBScript. Also developed a complete Windows Help File for this product, using RoboHelp 6.0 and Microsoft Word 97.
Created two separate reviews of e-store hosting sites that allow customers to create an e-store and sell their products over the Internet. These services typically provide a framework onto which the customer can add their own graphics, items, and descriptions. Shopping carts, credit card processing, and order reporting are also standard features.
Developed a MAPI address converter using Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 and CDO 2.0 for Pete Maclean. It converts Personal Address Book (PAB) entries in the MCI Mail Enabler format to the MAPI standard SMTP format.
Performed a survey of MAPI-enabled paging software that could be used to send pages via Microsoft Outlook.
Co-managed decommissioning of non-Y2K compliant equipment in an X.25 network. Responsible for all customer-related portions of the project. Assessed the customer impact and worked with a project team to minimize it. Created customer notices, set timelines for notification, and worked with the co-managers to set an overall project timeline. In the course of performing these duties, worked with the Engineering, Sales, Marketing, Customer Communications, Billing, and Customer Support departments.
Helped manage introduction of Concert Packet Services as a dial-up access method for MCI Mail. This required extensive architecture redesign, performance testing, billing system development, access testing, documentation development, and customer-oriented notification. Worked with the project team to coordinate all of these activities, evaluate their customer impact, and report to executive management.
Performed substantial work on executiveONE Mailer (a custom version of the MCI Mail Enabler). The MCI Mail Enabler is a MAPI transport for MCI Mail. The executiveONE Mailer was created to suit the needs of MCI WorldCom's senior executives. This project involved both design work and project management duties. Functioned as the liaison between management and the programmer, turning the former's general ideas into a design specification that could be implemented on time and within budget, overseeing development efforts, coordinating the development schedule with the overall project schedule, and reporting to and coordinating with executive senior management.
Managed the MCI Mail Enabler beta test. Coordinated between beta testers, QA testers and the developer. This included the evaluation of problem reports, managing the project schedule and reporting to MCI's management.
Created MCI Mail's Info Server, a custom autoresponder designed to suit the needs of MCI Mail Customer Support. It can handle up to 10 email accounts, each one with up to 200 rules/topics. InfoServer can process over 10,000 requests per hour. It runs under MS-DOS 6.2 on a 386SX 25 PC with 8 MB of RAM. It was developed with Borland C++ 4.5.
Managed the design and development of MCI Mail Express 3.0, a client for MCI Mail. This required production of a design specification, coordination between MCI's Customer Support, Marketing and Engineering departments and the contractor hired to do the development.