Stan Tonkonogy


Stanley Tonkonogy
1717 N. Bayshore Dr., Unit 4237
Miami, Florida 33132
(305) 519-5177



1) UML (used for software/web architecture)
2) Visual C++ 6.0
3) C
4) Visual Basic 6.0
5) Java
8) JavaScript
9) SQL
10) DHTML (Microsoft and Netscape versions)
11) XML
12) HTML
13) SPL.

Microsoft Technologies:  

1) ASP 
2) ISAPI Extensions (300% faster than ASP applications)
3) OLEDB (fast, low level data access)
4) ADO 
5) MFC 
6) ODBC 
7) ATL COM(C++) (Also, specialized ASP/MTS Components) 
9)  DCOM
10) MTS 
11) COM+ 
13) MMSQ 

Other Technologies:

14) CGI
15) JDBC
16) JSP
17) Java Servlets
18) JavaBeans
19) Browser Hawk

Development Tools: 

Visual Studio 6.0 (Visual Interdev, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual J++, SQL Server, and Visual SourceSafe ), Rational Rose, JDK, and DB2.


3/2001-	Technical Architect: The Hawke Group, Pompano Beach, FL.
Present	Assignment entails the complete architecture of N-Tier Web Site 
        Employing ASP, COM (VB 6.0 & C++), and COM+ from the Elaboration 
        Phase through the Construction Phase, incorporating the use of 	
        UML.Specifics include the construction of the Domain(business)    
        Model via class and Activity Diagrams, discovery of Use-Cases
        and Web Pages/DLL's from the Domain Model, creation of the
        Project Requirements Document, and consultaion regarding the  
        required supporting technologies.

12/2000- Consultant: Signature Consultants, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
3/2001	 Accomplishments include the  elimination of numerous bugs in Key 
         Account's web site via line by line analysis of ASP, JavaScript, 
         and DHTML code; Using VB COM, developed 2 COM Objects: one that 
         parsed data from a main frame then constructed an XML document 
         for use in the client's Web Site and the other, which retrieved 
         data from an SQL Server Data Base Table via an ADO Recordset   
         then converted the recordset to XML for use in the client's web 
         application.  Using ATL COM (C++), developed 2 Middle Tier ASP 
         Components for credit card authorization (one for use on a web 
         page and one for use by another COM+ Object); Developed an ISAPI 
         Extension as an alternative option to CGI for sending Email; 
         Coded ATL (C++) middle tier component employing OLEDB data 
         access and return of heterogeneous data types via a "SAFEARRAY"--
         purpose of component is to receive a customer's name and email 
         address and enter it into an SQL Server Database Table as passed 
         (unless already there), then return, via separate indexes in 
         array, first and last names, minus any spaces or special
         characters, along with an integral customer ID, all for storage 
         by a main frame;  Developed ISAPI Extension employing ODBC data 
         access and Thread Synchronization as model for heavily 
         trafficked pages--used thread synchronization to put waiting 
         threads to sleep so that they take no processor time, enabling 
         application to run faster and hamdle a heavier load.

1999-	Chief Technology Officer:, 11755 Biscayne, Blvd.
2001	Miami, Florida 33181, Telephone: 305-981-9393.  Overseer of all 
        technical and customer service departments, including, Web 
        Hosting, Web Masters, Network Engineering, etc.; Personally coded 
        and integrated several online payment systems into N-Tier, E-
        commerce site, utilizing CGI (via "C"), COM, and ASP; Presently 
        authoring application that will unify multinational accounting 
        system via COM/DCOM; Coded and discreetly integrated business 
        rules into company's Web Site (e.g. territorial restrictions on 
        merchandise sales, Customs Regulations, etc.)  via COM and ASP; 
        Personally eliminated numerous bugs in site's shopping cart via 
        line by line analysis of ASP code; Conversion of ASP pages to JSP 
        and Servlets in anticipation of integration of site into Java 
        based enterprise (use of JDBC and DB2 for data access); created 
        JavaBean to evaluate credit card numbers prior to submission to 
        on-line credit card authorization service; Developed database 
        redundancy system as back up for transmission of sales ordering 
        information, currently dependant on email; Responsible for the 
        conception and coding of system to automate the regular   
        generation of prearranged, repetitive sales orders and to 
        automatically pick up and process order requests
        received by email; Responsible for ongoing database development 
        and support for Company's Web Site, via creation of Tables, 
        Views, Stored Procedures, and Triggers on MS SQL Server Database; 
        Conceived of and coded company’s customer service application.

	Non-Technical Responsibilities: Currently creating sales 
        presentation for company’s franchise program.

1997 -	Complete Internet and Intranet Architecture/Development: 
1999	Employing HTML, Java, JavaScript,VB SCRIPT, JSCRIPT, ASP, MS SQL
        Server, ADO, OLE DB, MS Access, Transact SQL, COM (C++ & VB) and
        commercial web development tools to deliver N-Tier, enterprise 
        wide dynamic and interactive applications that include animation 
        (via Java or commercial development tools), windows, frames, 
        slide shows, audio & video streaming, E-commerce coding and 
        integration with on-line credit card verification/authorization 
        and on line database support and display (also via ASP), database 
        transaction processing and error management via ADO and/or MTS 
        managed components, browser detection and subsequent page 
        redirection, development of Java Applets to mimic proprietary 
        HTML tags, and remote maintenance via a combination of MS Visual 
        Interdev and MS SQL Enterprise Manager.

        Related Internet Skills: COM programming: development of MTS aware
        ASP Components via Visual C++ (ATL) and Visual Basic; Visual C++, 
        MFC Internet programming: development of "client applications" 
        (WinInet Classes) and "server applications" (ISAPI Classes). 
1991-	Software Developer/Architect: Secured several contracts for Web 
1997	Development, in which I used CGI and ISAPI for dynamic display of
        database data on the Web.  Developed legal software for 
        attorneys, integrating legal pleadings with "Case Forms." Areas 
        of the law included Collection, Maritime, Civil, Family, 
        Construction/Building, Landord/Tenant, and Criminal Law To 
        enhance the programs, I did legal research at the Dade County Law 
        Library.   Developed accounting programs for various clients, 
        utilizing C, Visual Basic and "SPL" (a "house" language that 
        works in tandem with a product called "Smartware," originally 
        developed by Informix and now maintained by ANGOSS Software 


	University of Miami: Coral Gables, Florida. Elected to the 
        National Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.
	GPA: 4.0
        Major: Mathematics
	Minor: Chemistry

	Miami Dade Community College: Focused on science and 
	GPA: 4.0


Either involved in or enjoy: golf, basketball, professional sports, science, writing, and poetry.


Furnished upon request.

Member number:6407
Additional Contact information is available on the Information Page.
Software Contractors' Guild (
Copyright(c) 1995 - 2001 Stan Tonkonogy and Software Contractors' Guild, Post Office Box 257,Nottingham, NH USA 03290-0257