rholmes@webzone.net -- (918) 748-9176 -- Tulsa, OK
Skills & Experience Summary:
* Sixteen years of hands-on, head-down analysis, design and programming of business applications
* Eight years of solid Informix SQL and 4GL development
* SCO Unix Installation, Configuration & Administration - 5 years
* Informix SE Database Administration - 5 years
* Unix Shell Scripts - moderate skills
* Excellent Writing Skills (nationally published)
Areas of Applications Experience:
* Accounting GL/AR/AP/Payroll/Order Entry/Sales Analysis - 4 years
* Inventory, Manufacturing & Job Costing - 4 years
* Health Insurance Administration & Claims Processing - 5 years
* Prescription Benefits Systems - 4 years
Other minor and/or obsolete skills:
* Seven years applications programming in numerous dialects of BASIC
* Z-80 Assembly
* Cobol, Perl, HTML, Linux
* Wichita State University and Oklahoma State University Journalism Major
* BS English Literature & Sociology 1993 Regents College - University of the State of New York
* Current On-Site rates are $55/hour plus reasonable, pre-negotiated expenses. Minimum on-site time for any work day is four hours. No time is billed for reasonable travel time.
* Current Off-Site rates are $40/hour. Normally there are no related expenses.
* Off-site time is billed in increments of 15 minutes and clients are provided with a detailed time accounting.
* Until a relationship has been established, estimates will be provided for all work and conversely, all bills will require prompt payment.