- Over 11+ years of comprehensive solution provider and software architect experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) management and System Design
- Extensive experience in Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), developing Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams, Use Cases, Test Cases and others using Rational Rose.
- Experience in software development using J2EE, XML, Spring 2.0, ZeroC Ice, UNIX, Oracle, MDL Chemical Structure Database, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Rational Unified Process (RUP).
- Proficient in using Rational Rose.
- Experience in Publishing, Pharmaceutical, Content Management and Banking domains.
- Experience developing B2BApplications (Explore Client, Trade Matrix and Discovery)
- Expert in Java 2.0
- Expertise in Java Server side and middle tier development with EJB, Servlet and JSP.
- Possess excellent design, management, analytical and communication skills.
Operating Systems: Sun Solaris 2.6 Windows XP/2000/NT 4.0/98/95
Novell Netware 3.12 MS-DOS Unix
Languages: C Java Shell Scripts COBOL Perl
HTML JavaScript VBscript ASP XML
Enterprise Apps: Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) JSP JMX JMS
JNDI Servlet
RDBMS: Oracle 9i MS SQL-Server 6.5 DB2 MDL
Chemical Structure Database
Web Server: BEA Weblogic 6.1 JBoss 3.0.6 Iplanet IIS 3.0
E-Commerce Tools: Microsoft Site Server 3.0 MS Commerce 3.0
Tools: Visual Cafe FrontPage MakeCab CabSign FTP
Telnet Crontab
Approaches: Object Oriented Analysis & Design
Modeling: UML 2.0 Erwin Rational Rose
IDE: Eclipse 3.2 IntelliJ 2.5 JBuilder 5.0 Visual Interdev
Source Control: VSS CVS Rational Clear Quest
Framework: Spring 1.2.6 Struts 1.1/ 1.0
Hardware: Sun E10000 and E3500 Series of Servers Pentium Servers & Desktops
Bachelors in Sciences in Mathematics, Madras University, Chennai, India, 1996
Higher Diploma in Software Engineering, Aptech, Chennai, India, 1995
Environment: Eclipse 3.2, UML, Oracle, Java 1.5, Unix, JavaScript, CSS, CSS, JBoss 4.1, IBM Webshpere, Rational Rose 2002, Rational Clear Quest 2002 and JavaScript
ATPCO(Airline Tariff Publishing Co.),Dulles,VA May 2007 to Till Date
CNSI, Gaithersburg, MD September 2006 to April 2007
Leading resources/Sr.Developer
ProviderOne WA-MMIS (Washingtonâ?�s Medicaid Management Information Systems)
- ProviderOne WAMMIS is the re-procurement of the current Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS), potentially impacts every Administration within the
Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) as well as a diverse and varied group outside of DSHS, such as providers and other state agencies.
- Introduced NPI and HPTC
- Itâ?�s a rule based application. It helps in capturing policy and rules that are subject to frequent changes. Used AppTech RuleEngine IT
- Prepared class and sequence diagrams for our usecases
- Used Spring and struts framework
- Prepared queries and stored procedure
- Prepared JUnit and DBunit test cases
- Used JBoss 4.0 for development and IBM Webshpere 6.0.2 in production
- Prepared custom tag libraries to handle
Environment: Linux 2.6.5, AppTech RuleIT 2.0, UML, Maven 2.0, Spring 1.2.6, JUnit, crontab, Shell script, Oracle 10, Java 1.5, Eclipse 3.2, JavaScript, CSS, JBoss 4.0,
IBM Webshpere, Rational Rose 2002, Rational Clear Quest 2002 and Toad
Thomson Gale, Farmington Hills, MI October 2005 to August 2006
Architect / Leading 2 resources / Sr. Developer
GOLD Monitor Tool
The Gale Online Delivery (GOLD) System's Monitoring sub-system shall provides several monitoring capabilities to identify and report problems at various components
across all the tiers (including Search Engine) and sub-systems of GOLD.
- The GOLD Monitoring components will allow its users to monitoring at real time the activities happening at all the tiers (which can be either in a same
or different machine) of GOLD to better identify bottlenecks and issues.
- Utilized the Rational Unified Process (RUP) to define the various objects using Rational Clear Quest.
- UtilizeD Internet Communication Engine (ICE) from ZeroC for faster communication between Java application and search engine in C language, in different platforms.
- ICE is more efficient than CORBA and has higher compatibility with Spring.
- Use Spring Framework for our XML driven data and easy maintenance and maintaining different tiers in the application.
- Use XML beans and Apache Xerces DOM parser for retrieving information.
- Developed Sequence diagrams, class diagrams and test cases using Rational Rose for further development by the java developers.
- JMX is being used in order to monitor the services
- Developed Monitor tool UI using AJAX.
- Monitor tool has to make request to fetch statistics about the components from the central MBean Server.
- This in turn talks to the MBean server at each tier to fetch monitoring information about the components available.
- Used MBean for exposing each component in the application and used JMX for monitoring the components.
- Developed using CSS and JavaScript for uniformity of look and front end validation.
- Implemented JfreeChart for users to view the results in graphical mode
- Utilized Signed Java Applets for downloading latest executables to client systems using makecab, cabsign, Verisign certificates, etc.
- Developed Shell scripts and scheduled batch java programs using crontab.
- Developed build scripts for Maven 2.0
- Used JDBC and connection pooling to connect to the DB2 database.
- Developed code using vi editor on unix platform and used telnet and ftp to edit and move files.
- Created EAR WAR and JAR files for deployment to production.
- Performed System Analysis and Design using UML on Rational Rose
- Developed code for Integration with the GOLD product
- Used LDAP for user authentication
- Used Maven for building, configuring and deploying the application.
- Documented Java code and the application.
Environment: Linux 2.6.5, Eclipse 3.2, UML, Java Management Extension (JMX) 1.2, Maven 2.0, Spring 1.2.6, ZeroC Ice 3.0,LDAP, Applet, Apache Xerces DOM, crontab,
Shell script,
Sybase 21.1, Java 1.5, Unix, JavaScript, CSS, LDAP, JFreeChart 0.9, DB2, EAR, WAR, JAR, CSS, Jakarta Tomcat 5.5.12, AJAX, Rational Rose 2002, Rational Clear Quest 2002 and JavaScript
Thomson Gale, Farmington Hills, MI August 2003 to October 2005
Architect / Lead Analyst leading 6 resources / Sr. Developer
GOLD (Gale Online Delivery System)
Thomson Gale, a business of The Thomson Corporation, is a leader in e-research and educational publishing for libraries, schools and business.
GOLD aims at re-engineering the existing e-delivery system utilizing established industry architectures.
These architectures provide the necessary foundation upon which Gale will build application to deliver e-solutions to its current and future customers.
Provides key services such as authentication & authorization, data service, search engine and indexing.
ICE is being used for communication between middle tier in Java and the search engine in C.
Performed System Analysis and Design using UML on Rational Rose
Maintained detailed working knowledge of the Rational Unified Process's use-case modeling techniques.
Used Custom Tag Libraries and Java Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL) for applying a common look and feel throughout the website.
Developed Shell scripts for running batch java programs
Used JDBC and connection pooling to connect to the DB2 database.
Utilized DB2 connect to connect to database.
Involved in code reviewing process
Maven is being used for build management
Used LDAP for user authentication
Responsible for integrating with other modules
Environment: Solaris 2.6, Maven 2.0, Eclipse 3.1, UML, Java 1.5, Spring 1.2.6, ZeroC Ice 3.0, JUnit, LDAP, JSTL1.2, JDBC, DB2, JavaScript, CSS,
RUP (Rational Unified Process), Rational Rose and Jakarta Tomcat 5.5.12
ProQuest Information and Learning, Ann Arbor, MI December 2002 to July 2003
Lead Analyst / Senior Developer
PQ Next
ProQuest Information and Learning has served as a global leader in providing Information to Libraries, Government, universities and schools across the world.
They provide access to information from periodicals, newspapers, dissertations and scholarly collections in various formats. All these business requirements are
architected to enterprise computer application using the cutting technologies like J2EE and XML-RPC. A layer to communicate with the existing ProQuest legacy Systems
(to perform search, retrieve), Client Interface and the future technology, Middleware subsystem helps them to manage this. The Middleware subsystem exists to provide a
consistent interface between clients, such as the Portal Platform Client (PPC), and the vaults, such as classic ProQuest or the NVI.
This subsystem has been architected using J2EE technology and XML-RPC using JBoss as application server.
System Analysis and Design
Prepared UML diagrams for the use cases using RUP methodology.
Prepared JUnit test cases
Used XML Spy for editing the XML.
Configured Eclipse and CVS
Developed XML Schema for the required use case(s)
Integrated with other modules
Maintained Solaris shell scripts
Conducted and performed code review process in meetings to maintain code quality.
Developed ANT scripts for build and deployment
Used JDBC and connection pooling to connect to the database.
Environment: Solaris 2.6, Eclipse 2.1, JBoss Application Server 3.0.6, Enterprise Java Beans 2.0, Java Messaging System, Sybase, Oracle, JDBC, Jakarta ANT, JUnit, UML,
XML Spy, JavaScript, CSS, RUP (Rational Unified Process)
PFIZER Inc., Ann Arbor, MI November 2001 to October 2002
Senior Developer
Global electronic Compound Registration (GeCR) - DRI
This project is for the Discovery Research Informatics Department (DRI). The application facilitates to register and maintain a centralized database of all the
compound structures. Presently every R&D site has its own compound registration applications. The application being developed helps eliminate local applications
and gives a single interface to register and access all the compounds.
The users can register their compound(s) in a bulk or as a single compound.
The application communicates with EJB and Corba Components to register.
Compound structure was stored in MDL Chemical Structure Database and compound data will be store in oracle database.
System Design
Data model design & implementation
Creating Data Access Object and business objects
Creating EJB components and interacting with CORBA services
Designed the web interfaces
Developed JSP and JavaScripts for client side validation (View)
Used CSS for standard look and feel.
Maintained Solaris shell scripts
Prepared ANT script for build and deployment
Environment: Solaris 2.6, Weblogic 5.0, Enterprise Java Beans 2.0, Java Server Pages, Java Messaging System, Java Mail, JDBC, Oracle 8i, Apache Struts Framework,
MDL Chemical Structure Database, IPlanet Web Server, JavaScript, CSS.
BASF, Southfield, MI August 2001 to October 2001
Senior Developer
Crisis Management System (CMS)
CMS enables users at BASF to assess and manage critical issues, understand critical impact and notify associated people. This application is integrated with the
existing application (Designed using server side JavaScript). It provides the user with ability to report, update (It send alerts upon each modification),
send email/cell phone/pager alerts to associate people, track issue history with details and provide administrative functions. User will be authenticated while entering into this application.
System study
Designed data model & implementation in Java Beans and JDBC connections
Developed Servlet, Controller classes
Developed JSP's and JavaScript's for front side validations (View)
Designed discussion forum for the users to discuss and post their views on the subject.
Created ANT scripts
Used JDBC and connection pooling to connect to the database.
Maintained Solaris shell scripts
Deployed the application
Environment: Solaris 2.6, IPlanet 4.1, JDBC, Oracle 8.1.6, Servlets, JSP, JavaScript, CSS.
Neoforma (for I2 technologies), San Jose, CA January 2001 to July 2001
Senior Developer
Neoforma Medical Exchange
The project was setting up a B2B medical eXchange for Neoforma. This exchange caters to Hospitals, Physician Offices & Physicians to procure Pharmacy &
Non Pharmacy supplies. Customers can buy products through contracts signed between their affiliations and suppliers. The pricing engine gets the best price per item per customer.
The exchange handles from Shopping to Billing. The main modules were Catalog,
Order Management, User Profile Management, Store Front Selling, and Billing.
Catalog data model design
Data Model implementation using Beans
Developed JSPs and JavaScripts for client side validations
Developed XNT Scripts
Maintained Solaris shell scripts
Developed Stored Procedures
Implemented the product
Environment: Solaris 2.6, Weblogic 5.0, Oracle (with Oracle Intermedia Context Index), JSP, JavaScript, CSS and XNT, i2 Products: Explore Server, Explore
PC-Client, Discovery 2.0 and Content Exchange
Citi Bank (Private Banking Group Global), Chennai, India March 1999 to October 2000
Systems Developer
Client Service Platform
Citi Bank's Private Banking Group has multiple Legacy Systems some of them on IBM Main Frames and VAX machines. They however did not have consolidated relationship
information of their clients. Project involved designing and developing an Intranet application, which without altering the existing application/s provided a
means of creating and maintaining relationships. The product has a 3-tier design with IE/ Netscape browser as the First tier, BEA systems Weblogic Web Server as the middle tier
and Oracle 7.3.4 as the third tier. Features of the product included Multi Lingual and Multi Currency Support. Phase One of this project has been implemented at Asia Pacific and Japan Regions.
In phase one servicing the client information till their asset hierarchy and in phase (II) two capturing the transaction in on-line are implemented in Asia and Europe.
In the forthcoming phase (III & IV) implementation of online transaction will be provided for entire network using the enterprise application. In preparation of the
new phase of the project which involves workflow management, transactions, order-taking etc . We are experimenting and evaluating technologies
like RMI, EJB etc. Concentrating on EJB we built a small demo for it. We are moving forward, trying to achieve more complex multiphase transactions through EJB. Some technical presentations
were given regarding the architecture and capabilities of EJB.
Collecting the requirement from Users.
Developed JavaScript files for front-end validations
Developed startup Servlets using Weblogic
Developed Servlets for generating reports, displaying the assets hierarchy
Developed pages using JSP for posting user transaction forms and validating user inputs for doing accepting online transactions.
Developed Session Beans for user profile screen
Developed Entity and Session Beans for business functionality
Designed the database using Oracle 7.4.3
Created and registered the Servlets and database connection pool.
Developed HTML pages
Maintained Solaris shell scripts
Identified the various ways of detecting the crash & collecting the diagnostic information.
Designed the Use cases and class diagrams using Rational Rose.
Environment: Solaris 2.0, BEA Weblogic 5.0.1, Java 2.0, EJB 1.1, JSP, JNDI, Servlets, Oracle 7.4.3, Rational Rose, JavaScript, CSS.
Worthy Networks, Texas August 1998 to February 1999
Java Developer
Internet Shopping [E-Commerce]
The project involved creating a site for a bookstore. It was designed and constructed to allow multiple virtual storefronts to access a centralized product database.
A management application was included to allow Sweet Publishing Inc. the ability to control and manage the E-Commerce site. It includes on- line payment solutions.
The main features of this site are Search Engine, Providing Analysis to the customers on Best Sellers and Recommendation page, Payment and Address Selector with
MS-Wallet. It contains some of the features of Web Application like Search Engine (Power Search, Phonetic Search), Site Mapping, Site Help and so on.
Another special feature is the generation of reports, which is automatic i.e. if the server is kept on, then this application will automatically generates report in a specific path at specific
date and time using SQL-Server Web-Assistant.
Understand the product and project requirement
Configured the Web-Server and the database
Involved fully in coding the Search Engines, Recommendation page
Designed screens using Applets and HTML
Generated public, private keys and certificates for verification.
Designed Web Page and preparing Images
Prepared different report using Web-Assistant
Involved fully in designing Back Office module
Environment: Windows NT 4.0, Weblogic 4.5, SQL-Server 6.5, Servlets, JavaScript, HTML, VBScript
Alps Systems May 1998 to July 1998
Java Developer
Java Editor [Jwaran]
Jwaran is Java Editor, designed by Alps Systems as a company product. The main objective is to make the editor to be user friendly and to provide language help on Java.
Designed Screens using AWT
Designed Help for the application
Provided some testing case for the editor
Understand the product and project requirement
Used Java for Logical Programming
Environment: Windows NT 4.0, Java (JDK 1.1), ActiveX and Visual InterDev
Alps Systems January 1998 to April 1998
Designed Website for:
Blue Ocean Software Solutions (
Web Designer
Home Page Designing
Web pages were designed and developed for the above 3 clients. Tools used were Active Server Pages and JavaScript. The database used was MS-SQL Server.
Creating images using Adobe Image Maker 2.0
Design of the database using MS SQL Server 6.5
Designing of the screens using HTML 3.0 and ASP 1.0
Used VB Script for user interactivity with the pages
Used MS Visual Interdev for generating Web Pages
Data validation is done at Client Side using JavaScript
Testing for the functionality of the system
Configuring the server for the web site
Environment: Windows NT 4.0, HTML, JavaScript, ASP, DHTML, Microsoft JIF-Animator and Adobe Image Maker 2.0.
Apar Casting, Chennai, India August 1996 to September 1997
Java Developer
Interim Carebill Processing
This was a Pilot project for TMMI lab. The test samples of the patients are sent to the CDD laboratory for testing and once the scanning is done the sample
free of discrepancies are tested and the result are recorded to be sent back to the customer. The Pricing is also done along with it.
Interim Carebill Processing is a module of CDDIS (software developed to handle the above) that facilitates the printing of the carebills to be sent to the
customer before he asks for the tests to be done. It involves importing the basic customer information from the database and associating each account with the CarebillFormType.
Then the Carebills are printed sequentially numbered for any customer. The application has support for scanning and recording of the Carebill stickers on the carebills.
This module also facilitates maintenance of the CarebillFormType, TestTypes and Customer data (for printing only), generation of associated reports and printing of required information.
Created JDBC Connection and providing like Connection Pooling
Involved in coding customer module and Carebills recording module
Designed screens and processing reports
Designed the database using Oracle 7.1
Wrote stored procedure for the back end
Data validation is done at Client Side using Java Script
Developed HTML pages, which display static data
Testing the functionality of the system
Maintaining the documentation
Environment: Windows NT 4.0, Visual cafe pro 2.0, JDK1.1, JDBC 2.0, JavaScript, HTML & Oracle7.1.
Apar Consulting, Chennai, India May 1996 to August 1996
Java Developer
Pension Client Record Keeping
It is one of the departments in the Mutual Fund System. The main objective is to process the inquiries from the clients (Investors, Accounts, Statutory Bodies)
and generating necessary Reports as per the Schedule automatically.
Created forms and handled events for all user inputs
Prepared Documentation
Designed and coded transaction and report modules
Maintained the software
Created many PL/SQL procedures for many front end programs
Developed various reports using Reports Writer
Developed procedures, functions, triggers for programs
Environment: UNIX, Oracle 6.0, Forms and Report Writer
Member number:6713
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