Resume Posting Instructions

We assume that you have signed up with the SCGuild and have a member ID. When you signed up, the program created an Information Profile page with the information you provided. The next step is to post your resume. If you are a Premimum Member you may directly upload your resume as a PDF or Word document. Otherwise you will need to upload an HTML or text formatted resume. The following section describes how to convert your resume to an HTML format. These instructions assume you are starting with a Microsoft Word document (.docx) and you are using MSWord 2007 or later. If your resume is already in HTML, you are all set, just upload it.

Note: even if you are a Premium member and are uploading the Word Document, we recommend that you also upload an HTML formatted document because it is easier for hiring managers and recruiters to preview.

How to convert resume to HTML

  • Prepare your resume. Some things in MS Word do not convert to HTML. Images, page headings and footings, and tabs are examples. Make a copy of your resume and remove these. If you used tabs or multiple spaces for alignment replace them with tables.

  • Convert to HTML. (Remember, the instructions below assume the document is .docx, which is MSWord 2007 or later.)

  • Open the document as html as follows:
    1. Open your resume in MS Word. With your resume displayed as a Word document, click the round icon in the upper left corner.
    2. From the drop-down menu, select "Save As", and then "Other Formats". A dialog box appears.
    3. Click the down arrow in the "Save As type" box to get the list of possible file types.
    4. Select the "Web Page, Filtered (*.htm; *.html)" item. (While in the dialogue box, we suggest that you also specify that the file be written to the desktop so you can find it.)
    5. Click Save. (don't exit MS Word just yet)

  • Adjust the margins. You now have an HTML document being displayed in MS Word. You may find that the document has no margins. *One way to correct this is to position your cursor at the very top left of your resume and insert a table with two columns and one row. The first cell is the left margin, the other will contain your entire resume. (if you're familiar with Word, this should be a fairly straight-forward task):
    1. Using the Insert drop-down menu, select the Tables item and highlight two cells. This gives you a table with two columns and one row. The left cell will be your left margin so you'll need to adjust its width until it is very narrow thus forming a narrow left margin. The right cell will contain the whole text of your resume.
    2. Cut and paste your entire resume into the right cell. Adjust the right edge of the cell to form a right margin, as necessary.
    3. To eliminate the table grid, right click on the little box in the upper left-hand corner of your table and select "table properties".
    4. Click "Borders and Shading" and then select Settings: None.
    5. Exit the property windows.

    *See below for a way to correct the margins in the HTML version using HTML tags.

  • Insert Footing. Insert the following HTML at the bottom of your resume. This insures that users that find your resume via a Google Search will find a link back to your profile page.
    Member number: nnnn  <br>
    Additional Contact information is available on the
    <A HREF="nnnnI.html">Profile Page</a>.<br>
    Software Contractors' Guild
    (<A HREF=""></A>)
    <font size=-2><A HREF="copyright.html">Copyright</A>(c) 2025 Software Contractors' Guild</b></FONT>
    Change the "nnnn" to your member number (two places).

  • Save and Exit Word.

How to Post Your Resume

  • Locate the resume update form.

    1. Login. Go to your Profile Page on the SCGuild site using your favorite Web browser. If not already logged in, log in using the 'login' button at the top of the page. In the login screen the user ID field should be already filled in with your member number. You can also use your email address. Enter your password and click 'login'.
    2. At the top of the Profile page, click on the 'post resume' button. The resume entry form will display.
  • Upload your resume.

    1. Select the resume slot into which you want to load your resume. If you are not a premium member you can only load an html version into slot 1.
    2. Click the 'Browse' button and locate the HTML file you prepared above.
    3. Click 'Upload resume file'. Your resume will be loaded into the slot. Your resume link should now be visable on your Profile page.
    4. Click 'Finish' to return to the Profile page.
  • Review Your Uploaded Resume. Click on resume link under "View The Contractor's Resume" on your Profile page. You should see your modified resume.

Writing your resume from scratch in HTML

If you want to create your resume directly in HTML, here are some suggestions:
  • Start with an HTML heading "<HTML>".

  • Between the <TITLE> and </TITLE> html tags, put in "Resume of" followed by your name and title. This is the text that will be displayed as the results of a Google search.

  • The body can be anything you would like. This begins with the <BODY> tag. Here is where you sell yourself to your clients. This is normally your resume but other formats may also work very well. Be creative as you wish. Obviously, obscene or offensive material will not be acceptable.

  • Use the tag <BR /> to insert a line break. Use the tag <P /> for a paragraph break. Extra spaces, tabs, and line endings are ignored.

  • To add left and right margins to your resume, use a table with two cells. At the top, add
        <table><tr><td width=30></td><td width=600>
    Then near the bottom, just above the <hr> tag that separates the bottom links section, close off the table with the following:
    Adjust the width numbers so the margins are to your liking.

  • You may use html anchors to reference other web pages on the net. A good example would be a home page that you maintain elsewhere or references to your clients' corporate home pages. An anchor has the following format:
    <A href="http://--full url goes here--">--label goes here--</a>

  • If you do not include your entire resume, be sure to include a list of "keywords" that describe your abilities. The local keyword index program will scan only the Information Profile page and the uploaded resume page. It will not scan offsite pages referenced by this resume page.

  • At the bottom, include the following (replacing nnnn with your member number...two places):
    Member number: nnnn<br>
    Additional Contact information is available on the
    <A HREF="nnnnI.html">Profile Page</a>.<br>
    Software Contractors' Guild
    (<A HREF=""></A>)
    <FONT SIZE=-2><br><b>
    <A HREF="copyright.html">Copyright</A>(c) Software Contractors' Guild</b></FONT>

    This link back to your information page is very useful because many searches are performed by the search engines and they may not arrive at your resume via your information page.

    The copyright notice gives you some small measure of protection against unauthorized redistribution of your resume. You may include your own name and a year in the copyright notice.

  • NOTE: Do not provide references in your resume. Your clients may not like their names and phone numbers posted on the Internet for the public to see. Anyone that is interested in you will contact you directly for references.


    We do provide a few Images such as balls, lines, and icons that you may use in your resume.

    Copyright(c) 1995 - 2025 Software Contractors' Guild , 9725 Richland Hills Ln, Bakersfield CA 93306