Contractor Resources:
Sites of interest to Members.
Note: The Software Contractors' Guild makes no endorsement of the sites included in this list. They are
provided as a convenience to our members.
Let us know of any other sites that we should include.
SCGuild's support email: scguild.service@gmail.com
A general job recruiter. Also here are some Resume templates to help in preparing your resume.
How to Write a Resume. The templates help you format your resume.
LiveCareer Resumes: This site provides career-specific templates as well.
Business Liability insurance for your technical contracting business.
One of the largest job postings in the USA with near 220,000 IT jobs all around the USA. Search for 'Software Contract' or 'Software Contractor'.
- JobHero
Fresh Ideas for your resume. Sample resumes and cover letters. (some parts may apply to contracting resumes)
Resume Templates Free professional resume templates you can personalize. (some parts may apply to contracting resumes)
Cover Letter Tips - 31 ways to make your cover letter better. (some parts may apply to contracting resumes)
JobApplicationDB.com is the largest direct application site. We help candidates apply directly to over 1200 companies across 60+ industries and sectors. Unlike other job boards where several candidates are applying to the few listed jobs, we direct candidates to the company's internal career site where they can apply on jobs that are typically not posted on job boards giving them a competitive advantage.
May not be very useful for Software Contract work however.
Recruit.net is popular with job seekers and is a valuable resource for anyone looking for employment in the US. They perform more than a million job searches per day and have over 1.2 million fresh jobs across the states.
Annouce your availability to over 800 employment
agencies, recruiting firms, consulting agencies, and some software development
Top Executive Search Firms exists as a resource to employers seeking to understand the complexities of the executive search/recruiting industry. Our research offers prospective employers an unbiased look at the top executive search firms by offering resources, opinions, and rankings as a guide to helping you choose the best firm to meet your executive search needs. |
Careerjet.com is a job search engine. In one simple search, it gives job seekers access to a huge selection of jobs that are sourced from various Internet sites, saving the trouble of having to visit each site individually.
- Jooble UK All jobs across the UK.
Jooble US All jobs across the US.

Making an informed decision about a potential career can be a daunting and time consuming endeavor. CareerSearchDatabase.com helps career minded professionals, job seekers and students to make better, more informed career choices by providing highly relevant, reliable and up-to-date career information and job search resources.
Job-Applications.com - Find hundreds of online applications and printable job forms. May not be very useful for Software Contract work.
The National Association for the Self-Employed is the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses (up to ten employees), providing a broad range of benefits and support to help the smallest businesses succeed. Affordable Health Insurance, Association 105 HRA Tax Break, and many other benefits.
Top Echelon
A source of recruiters and jobs for
SCGuild members. Our Network is made up of over 2500 recruiters who work
middle to high-end permanent and contract placements with the
world's best companies. We currenly have a database of more than
7,000 active job orders that can be searched via our site.
Job seekers can then nominate themselves for positions they are
interested in. The job seeker is never required to pay a placement fee.
Computerwork.com is an established IT job board founded in 1995 and a Best
of Best site for 2003 as named by CareerXroads. Additionally, we have been
named a Top 30 site by Weddles for 2004. Computerwork.com has about 9,000 IT
jobs on site.
HireAbility.com, premier IT all-information technology website for IT professionals and recruiters. A great one stop shop for jobs and making your resume accessible to our network of independent recruiters, to staffing organizations and the USA's top companies. No fees, just opportunities.
Directory of Recruiters - A searchable directory of recruiters
organized by industry specialty and location.
the CodeGuru the online community of
developers. Here you will find hundreds of code snippets that can help
you with your projects. This is an excellent resource for help with C++
(although their JAVA help is limited).
Job Hub is a resource for job seekers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Not
only do we list hundreds of jobs from nearly 50 Bay Area recruiting
agencies, but we provide free resume distribution for job seekers to over
100 local recruiting agencies. The largest percentage of those using Job
Hub's services are Bay Area contractors. Job Hub has been named "Hot Site"
by the San Jose Mercury News and is a member of the Argus Clearinghouse.
Telecommuting and Remote jobs
More Telecommuting jobs
The Recruiters Online Network or RON is a worldwide virtual community of employment
firms. With over 7,000 participating recruiters, RON is the
world's largest association of recruiters, executive search
firms, employment agencies, and employment professionals.
All services for job seekers are free. Free
job search, free resume posting to our online resume database
along with an extensive and searchable online database of recruiters
This directory is a
collection of serious online tools for recruiters and offers
training seminars in recruiting. But this site also offers many links
to client sites and other resume databases that might be useful.
Contract Employment Weekly An excellent source of contract job listings.
SourceHosting.Net is a new online service that
enables Internet workgroups to share information and files,
collaborate with project team members, and perform
change management from remote locations over the
The service is especially suited to software developers in
remote locations, small startup companies without central
office space, and other technical project teams.
- A world of Jobs neatly Packaged.
Employment Contractor Services, Inc. (ECS) is a full service payroll administration, back-office,
A/R Funding, and payroll funding services firm. We assist staffing firms, independent professionals, and companies with financial and administrative support for contract labor staffing.
Tokyo Connections carries over 200 links to English-language
resources relating to finding jobs in Japan, as well as information
for Japanese speakers looking to work overseas. The site covers
the whole range of employment possibilities, from IT vacancies
through to postdoctoral research grants. There is also an extensive
section on Teaching English resources.
is a resource to find project and contract work.
- A Resume Database.
- Resume/Job Database.
- A publication reviewing the best 500 Web sites containing jobs,
resumes, and career information.
An On-Line Guide to Net Employment Resources.
GUIDE TO JOBS IN JAPAN - The best Japanese information source to live and work in Japan!
From travel and Japanese housing to employment search
and finding the job you are looking for, we have it all for Japan!
QUICKFORM Contracts Online - Description: Automates drafting agreements for computer industry,
Internet commerce and general business transactions. Need a legal contract written up?
Do it on-line for less than $20.
General Job listings.