Company Profile Page
Address: |
Contact: | Walker, Recruiter/Account Manager |
Email: | swalker@otterbase.com |
Telephone: | |
Company Type: |
- Contract Agent/Broker/Recruiter
Most Revenue is from contractor job placement services. Responsible for providing personnel only.
OtterBase was founded on the promise that we would provide a superior staffing experience for our clients by delivering the highest trained individuals and unsurpassed customer service. OtterBase continues to keep this promise to our clients as we strive to achieve our goal of creating competitive advantages through people.
We never lose sight of the fact that every assignment and every person we place is first and foremost, uniquely individual and deserves an equally unique approach from us. We know that if we provide our people with the best we have to offer, then they will provide our clients with the best they have to offer. That's why OtterBase has a reputation for having one of the most competitive benefits and training programs in the business, including our Performance Bonus Plan and our Referral Bonus Program.
OtterBase entered the staffing services industry because we believed that the industry was doing a sub-standard job of servicing clients. In fact, the staffing industry as a whole has lagged behind our clients in terms of product innovation and customer service. We believe that our company provides the overall best customer service experience in the entire staffing industry. OtterBase constantly monitors the specific business environments of our clients and continually works to refine our services to meet their changing needs.
Company number: 63367 since: 10/19/2012
Last Updated: 10/19/2012 Last Login: 10/19/2012
Listing expires: 10/19/2014
NOTE: Listings are deleted if no login in last 24 months.
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